Leisure Committee

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Asset Committee

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Full Council

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Fair Oak Carnival

New Century Park Fair Oak, Eastleigh, United Kingdom

The Carnival takes place on the last Saturday of June and parades through the streets of Fair Oak. The next Carnival will be held on 29 June 2019 at 2pm. The Fete is held on New Century Park along with a traditional fun fair.


Finance Committee

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Full Council

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Planning Committee

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Asset Committee

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Full Council

Parish Offices 2 Knowle Park Lane, Fair Oak, Hampshire, United Kingdom

Rural Crime Event

Hampshire Constabulary invites you to a Rural Crime Event on Sunday 6 October 10-3.00 pm at Sparsholt College For more details follow the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/hampshire-constabularys-rural-crime-event-tickets-70895242579

If you are unable to access the information in this calendar, please call 023 8069 2403 and a member of the team will be happy to assist you.

Alternatively, click here to download 2020-2021 Parish Council meeting dates.